Thursday, October 9, 2008

Only in Texas

One of the most fun things about vacationing is deciding on eateries. Choices abound in Fort Worth, so we've made the most out of exploring them all before deciding. Here are a few within two blocks of the Hotel. And the winner is.... Daddy Jacks! Here we are enjoying ourselves. How did we decide, you ask? Couldn't resist a restaurant with a mural depicting a cowboy rodeo-riding a lobster!!!!! Only in Texas!


Glenn said...

This smiling waitress talked me out of blackened flounder in favor of shellfish on linguini smothered in marinara sauce! their signature meal, she exclaimed.

Unknown said...

Was it worth the switch??

Unknown said...

Now we have a picture of Sean AND Glenn sporting spiffy bibs...I think these pictures are candidates for a page in the photo book!