Sunday, October 26, 2008

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

Yesterday we visited the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge. Not knowing what to expect, we still had some sub-conscious expectations which were not quite accurate. It's truly a reserve with most of the area left wild except for a few photo-blind lookouts, walkways and paths. Here are some images of the refuge and the wildlife we saw. The ferocious, attacking mosquitoes shall remain unphotographed, but don't be fooled that we have nothing to show--we have evidence in the form of large welts on arms and legs despite our insect repellant.

Click on the images to see enlargements. The white birds with the orange curved bills are Ibis. The first photo is our favorite--an Egret, just an instant after a good catch.


Glenn said...

Yes, the Kamikazi mosquitos along Heron Flats Trail were merciless! And the wasps at the top of the 40'-high lookout tower let me know, by frequent, close buzzes of the head and face, that I was the unwelcome intruder in this Refuge! Nancy almost didn't go to the Refuge when she heard there are alligators, but then when we saw two of them, the first thing she did was photograph them...and then ski-doodle. Next, here came a javelina (dark, wild pig), jogging along towards us in the brush. She was expecting a pig attack and got behind ME, of all people. While I videoed, I narrated. Suddenly, the javelina heard my voice, turned tail, and ran as fast as possible into the brush. I learned I have a powerful effect on some critters...I attract mosquitos and wasps and repel wild pigs.

Unknown said...

Well, Glenn...good to know that you repel wild pigs.

Mom-I am totally with you on hiding from the wild pig. They are scary!!

Unknown said...

HA!!! Repelling wild pigs...hilarious AND I have a way funny picture of mom hiding behind you while you are narrating. Crack me up. Sounds like a cool refuge - something that, despite man-eating mosquitos, I'd enjoy (so would the kids!).

Anonymous said...

Love reading your comments, Ames and Janelle. THANKS!! I hope you are showing some of this stuff to the kids. If not, we can do that when we get home. We're packing now and not all that happy about it. It's been a GREAT vacation!

Unknown said...

My kids have been looking at it although I don't think Zai has seen this entry. I'll have him look at it when he gets home from school! Keelie loves all the pictures and has me read her postcards over and over and over and over (yea, thanks) again!!!

Anonymous said...

Papa Glenn will be very happy to hear the postcard story. It was his personal mission on the trip to send postcards nearly every day. Lucky kids :-) He also added my mom to the list of postcard recipients, and, unbeknownst to me, sent me a couple that were here waiting in the mail for me.