Thursday, October 7, 2010

Exploring the River Walk

We left our hotel this morning and spent the whole day walking along the River Walk in downtown San Antonio. I could not stop taking pictures! Be sure to click on "Comments" below to read Glenn's additions to this post.

The myriad of awning and umbrella varieties is astounding! Here we have fresh yellow and white stripes coupled with crisp black and white polka dot!

This line of rainbow colored umbrellas is on postcards and websites everywhere!

The finale of all the umbrellas sports the lone star of Texas.


Glenn said...

Yes, this River Walk is a magnificent feature of the city of San Antonio...It's world class! Every meander reveals another picture-perfect scene. It's superbly done. It has fully occupied our whole day today, as we've wandered through it and its surroundings, such as the nearby cathedral. The Alamo is also nearby, but we're saving that for after the arrival of our grandson, Johnathan (13), from southern California on Friday evening.

The River Walk was proposed by an architect (Hugman?) during the Great Depression in the 1930s, and the final design was approved in 1939. It took two years to construct. The dedication was conducted in ~June 1941, only a few months before the Pearl Harbor attack by the Japanese, bringing the USA into WW-II.

Unknown said...

The river walk looks beautiful and magical. What a wonderful place!