Saturday, January 14, 2006

Reflections on Hood Canal


andrea said...

And I thought you were reflecting on life! (Maybe you were.)

Nan said...

I am always reflecting on life... nature of the beast :-)

Caroline said...

Fabulous reflections - and if we are doing reflecting on life what I notice is that the reflections are longer and blurrier than the originals! :-)

Nan said...

Interesting observation! You could think of that from several different angles, but one thing I think of is how we see ourselves vrs. how others see us. Rare it is when someone truly sees us, but rather something a bit distorted, having passed through the observer's filters. Not to mention whatever we may do to conceal our true self whether we mean to or not.

What direction did your thoughts take?

Rrramone said...

Beautiful work! Just scrolled through your photos. :-) Keep it up!