Monday, January 23, 2006

Evening Light on Hood Canal

The ever-changing weather, reflected light and constantly shifting clouds made for some breathtakingly beautiful scenes.


andrea said...

Hey! I commented on this one earlier but it's not here. Whassup I wonder?

Nan said...

I've had that happen before... who knows? I did read that blogger has had some outages recently but that they are fixing whatever it was that was causing them.

Nan said...

Speaking of blogger, I do not consistently get the emails notifying me of comments... very frustrating because I like to read them of course, but also like to respond to every one. I have found comments weeks after they were posted. Frustrating!

Caroline said...

And my comments that I posted yesterday aren't here either...

This is lovely the cloud formations seem like pictures of another world.

Nan said...

Thanks, Caroline.

You left comments, too? I wonder what's going on. I thought I left one for you yesterday that I couldn't find today, but I wasn't sure if it was a comment on your blog or an answer to one of your comments here. I'm getting old!

The pictures don't do the water, light or clouds justice, naturally. It was incredibly beautiful.

Caroline said...

Nan, the lost comments are getting a bit worse than usual - I discovered that quite a few of the comments I'd left on various different IF entries had vanished. I think I've managed to get them all to stick now! But it takes more persistence than I suspect many people are going to have....