Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Another Heron

Herons are notoriously skittish, and of all the times I have tried to photograph one, this was by far the closest I have ever been allowed to approach. This Black Crowned Night Heron clearly saw me from quite a distance and kept his eye fixed on me at all times, but he let me approach and linger quite close to him. The experience far outweighed the resulting photo!


Caroline said...

He looks a little like some teenagers do - its that bend in his knee and the hunched shoulders! Funny bird!

And wonderful that you got so close!

Nan said...

Never thought of the similarity to a teenager, but it's sure true now that you mention it. They are kind of funny looking, I guess. I never thought of them that way. To me they always have seemed magnificent beings, quiet, mysterious, in control, still, powerful. The sound of their wings in flight is unforgettable.

Caroline said...

Ah just the way a teenager wants to be seen! ;-)

Nan said...

How right you are!

Eddie said...

Hello, Just wandering the blogosphere and here I am at your blog. I enjoy the style of how you have put it all together. I'll be coming back again.
