Saturday, August 16, 2014

World Pipe Band Championships

The highlight of Glasgow was the 2014 World Pipe Championships held on the Glasgow Green, a large and beautiful park in the heart of Glasgow. Even for a lifelong Seattleite, the rain was really, really heavy, and the ground was really, really muddy. However, it did not seem to "dampen" anyone's spirits! The atmosphere was jubilant and electric. All ages were well represented, and other than the many umbrellas and raincoats in evidence, no one seemed to care about the rain. At lunch time, people politely stood in line in the rain for ages, then huddled under awnings to eat their steaming fish 'n chips and hot out of the oven meat pies. For me, it was a little bit of heaven to be there surrounded by the sounds of the bagpipes and the sight of so many tartans. Here are two short videos that tell the story.


1 comment:

glennled said...

When we first started planning this trip, we weren't sure we could be in Glasgow on the weekend of the World Pipe Band Championships, and if we were there, we weren't sure we would not be on a side-trip somewhere in the Highlands. But Nancy worked it all out, and we thoroughly enjoyed it, despite the rain and mud. Pipe bands from B.C., Canada and Washington State, USA compete there on some years. Be there, and don't miss it!