Friday, August 8, 2014

Out and About: Tower of London, Big Ben, Houses of Parliament and Westminster Abbey

More highlights from our days in London. After our visit to the Tower of London, we took a walk to see the Palace of Whitehall (government buildings), the huge clock tower affectionately referred to as Big Ben (Big Ben is actually the nickname for the Great Bell that rings out the time), the Westminster Bridge that spans the Thames, Westminster Abbey, and a host of other sights along the way. Westminster Abbey was the most astounding experience of all with its impressive tombs and Poet's Corner. It's impossible to do justice to our sightseeing in London, but here are a few photos.

First stop, the Tower of London. You could spend an entire day here...the Tower is actually more like a little village, steeped in history and housing the Crown Jewels. The line was long for the CJ, but it was totally worth it. No pictures inside, so all we have is the sign at the entrance to the exhibit.


Next, the Westminster Bridge, which is right next to the Tower. Views from the bridge are spectacular.

Britain's government buildings and Westminster Abbey. No photography is allowed in the Abbey, but there are many interior photos at

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