Monday, August 11, 2014

Can't Get Enough of Edinburgh

 More images from Edinburgh...

Royal Scots Grey Memorial, Princes Street Gardens

Just one of the many picturesque pubs on Rose Street Lane in New Town

Looking down in Rose Street Lane in New Town

Rose Street Lane in New Town

Another tempting cafe in New Town

Kenilworth Pub in New Town

National Gallery of Scotland

Edinburgh sightseeing bus along Princes Street

A kilted Scotsman greets visitors at the Scotsman Hotel

Scenes from the Fringe Festival on the Royal Mile

Just a few of the offerings at the Fringe Festival along the Royal Mile

Outstanding entertainer at the Fringe Festival on the Royal Mile

Drama, drama everywhere at the Fringe Festival

Lunch at The Witchery by the Castle

Interior at The Witchery

Loving the atmosphere at The Witchery

Courtyard of The Witchery

From the ramparts at the Castle

Glenn in the Gatehouse at the Castle

A Close, one of many such passageways to hidden courtyards

Everything is photo worthy.

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