Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Plaza

The downtown Santa Fe Plaza doesn't need many words. A gathering place for as much diversity as your heart could desire. My pictures don't capture it all by any means, but here are some glimpses...



glennled said...

The Saturday crowd in early May. Wonder what it looks like in June-August---a shocking hoot!

Unknown said...

Oh, oh, OH!!!! You captured the spirit of the plaza, and Santa Fe in all it's glorious diversity. These pictures are FANTASTIC. Fantastic.

Unknown said...

The man with the feathers...says it all.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Janelle. Was the feathered man there when you were? He was in the plaza every day while we were there. He would sit on a particular bench and would often have a little crowd around him. I wish I had taken a picture of the artisan vendors lined up on the sidewalk alongside the Palace of the Governors.