Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day in Albuquerque

On my New Mexico trip list was a visit with my cousin, Heidi, and possibly a trip down the road to Albuquerque where my parents honeymooned in 1946 and where Heidi now lives. We left on Saturday morning for a drive down Interstate 25, not the most scenic route, but a fast, smooth ride. On our list for next time is the Turquoise Trail which promises a little more adventure and a lot more exposure to the history and natural wonders of the area.

As we drove out of town and headed south, we remarked we were most likely driving the same route my parents took. The photo below shows them after the wedding with suitcases packed and ready to leave Santa Fe for Albuquerque, and an old photo shows the historic Franciscan Hotel where they stayed. It was built in 1923 on the NW corner of  Central Avenue and 6th Street in Albuquerque, but has long since been torn down.

Coming into Albuquerque, I saw the Rio Grande River for the very first time. Although the river was not a spectacular sight at this particular spot, seeing it was spectacular indeed, since the Rio Grande figures in many of the great stories of the southwest that I read as a child. A few photos from the road show the river, surrounding hills, and the freeway. Yes, the freeway. When the freeway ramps are painted turquoise, they are worthy of their very own photo.

The highlight of the trip to Albuquerque was our visit with my cousin, Heidi. Heidi is a wonderful artist and the most creative person I know. Our afternoon spent together was most delightful. Here are a few photos of her home and yard. When she moved in, the yard was a blank canvas (read "rock solid, pick-axe hard soil) and the work she has done so far boggles the mind. You can see Heidi's art and sculpture at her own website and at Zane Bennett Contemporary Art where some of her work is currently on display.



glennled said...

Our visit with Heidi was, indeed, one of the top highlights of the entire trip. I enjoyed hearing her stories and plans and following her trail of decision-making trade-offs. On this trip, I saw the Rio Grande both in Albuquerque and on the road to Los Alamos. Would like to see it in Colorado someday. Very nice photos, as always, Nancy, especially those of your parents and the hotel.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your photography contributions, Glenn, since you took most of the ones at the house and in the yard. Actually, this post is totally a joint effort because a couple of them are from Heidi, too.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, I love all the art pieces around Heidi's yard. Wonderfully creative and inspiring. Next trip, we'll definitely have to visit her!

And of course, I love the pictures of Grammie and Grandpa...imagining their drive, starting out their life together. Sigh. Traveling the same roads...bigger sigh. :)

Unknown said...

And the bottle caps on tins decorating the planter box?! Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Janelle, you will love Heidi... I hope you do get to visit her sometime. About Grammie and Grandpa, I had never before noticed the suitcases in that picture taken after the wedding. They must have left right from the church. Somewhere (in one of the hundreds of boxes downstairs) is a postcard of the hotel and on it mom had drawn a little arrow to the room they stayed in. Hopefully I will find it someday :-)