Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Texas 2012 - Change of Plans

Our original plans (think: best-laid plans) went by the wayside when we had to change our travel dates, so Loyd Hall in Louisiana (see former post) will wait for another year. Instead, we returned to Fulton Harbor for the third time and made the Inn at Fulton Harbor our home base. As always, we delight in the rhythms of this seaside town which sits on Aransas Bay. Here are some of the birds we see daily. Top to bottom, Great Blue Heron, Egret, Cormorant and trio of Pelicans. Click to enlarge.


1 comment:

Glenn said...

These beautiful creatures were totally unaware and uninterested in my high school class reunion being held nearby! But who knows (maybe Nancy) what they were celebrating--perhaps their previous tasty meal!