Thursday, September 22, 2005

Kawaiaha'o Church

Taken on the grounds of the historic Kawaiaha'o Church in downtown Honolulu.


Glenn said...

Located close to the palace and the king's statue. The Kahu (priest) is an energetic, enthusiastic leader, married to a woman from Washington State. They were embarking on "40 Days of Purpose," by Rick Warren. Very strong music program at this church. On 11 September, the Hawaii Ceremonial Court was present and blessed by the Kahu. That week, the Aloha Festival was held, with a parade on Friday.

Ames said...

Yeah, I can totally see D and I getting married here. Great find mom!! Now, the hard part is getting people there. Hmmmm, I'll be in I really care who all comes? :) HA!!

Nan said...

Yes, but one little problem... this is not a picture of the church. It's a little building in the cemetery where some of the Hawaiian monarchy are buried. Hmmmmm... However, if you get married in Hawaii, I'm SURE we can find the perfect place!!

Janelle said...

Oh come on, get married in the's unusual, a bit quirky, and kinda morbid... Sounds just like you!!

I love all the stone work on these grounds - amazing.