Sunday, September 20, 2009

Here we are back in Paradise

Once or twice a year, this blog becomes less about photography and more about our travels. A long-time annual family tradition, Glenn and I are happy to be in Waikiki again with my mom. This year is my mom's 39th consecutive visit to the island of O'ahu. Here are some photos of our arrival and first morning in Hawaii. Due to some "interesting" last minute changes by the airlines, we arrived in Waikiki much later than usual... just in time, however, for this WONDERFUL sunset! Barely got the camera out of the bag in time for this shot.

Sunday morning. Outriggers heading out to sea, as seen from the beach at Fort Derussy.

From the lanai. Loved the shadows.

Never tire of this view from the lanai and have to post it especially for my girls. Bring back memories? Wish you were all here!

New mug from Starbucks.

Surf's up?

Breakfast on the lanai.

A man and his son setting up fishing rods at the water's edge in front of Ft. Derussy.

Glenn on his morning walk through the park. Hang loose!

My sweetheart... neither a martini drinker or a cigar smoker, but definitely a Tommy Bahama kind of guy.


annieb said...

Beautiful pictures. Y'all have a terrific view. Send a breeze to Texas, we could use one. Aloha.

Amy said...

TOTALLY wish we were there too. Such memories. :) Beautiful pics as always!

Glenn said...

I have three T-B tee-shirts here. This one is only for exercise and sweat. Since cigars kinda stink (to some people), I thought no one would notice...