Saturday, June 17, 2006

Fish Hawk

We were treated to an evening show each night from the deck on Hood Canal as groups of Osprey (sometimes called Fish Hawks) circled overhead, soaring, swooping, and diving (feet first!). They make a little chirping sound that does not at all sound like it could come from these powerful birds of prey.


andrea said...

Great 'snag', Nan. :) I live where there is the biggest concentration of raptor birds in all of Canada. There's even a pair of bald eagles nesting in our neighbourhood. I never tire of seeing the hawks and eagles but this one's a rare treat and you really caught it! Well done!

Nan said...

Thanks, Andrea! If I lived there, I'd never put down my camera :-) There is a Peregrine falcon that has nested on a ledge at top of the skyscraper where I work. A live cam catches all the action and displays on a tv screen near the entrance--if you have to work in a big city, this is one of the things that keeps it from being unbearable.

Endment said...

Fantastic catch!!! This is a really great photo - not just a fuzzy silhouette!

Glenn said...

Ospreys are fun to watch. They can soar and glide with the best of them, but when they fly, they zig-zag left & right, up & down, like a crow. You caught this one just right!

Nan said...

Thanks, Endment. It was the only one that was good out of you can imagine how many.

Glenn, my sweetheart...I love it that you did not even notice birds much until you met me, and now you are far more observant than I am. A convert!

Glenn said...

A flattering exaggeration, believe me!

Nan said...

Better than an unflattering one!