Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Showing Off

We're home from a week away at our favorite spot to kick back and DO NOTHING. Hood Canal, our home away from home. These gulls came withing minutes of our arrival to see what we were all about. They put on quite a show. What fun for the camera!


Caroline said...

Love the poses

andrea said...

There you are!!! I've been worried and wondering where you ran off to. What great shots of these birds. It looks as if they are just chatting away about the sites, and the woman with the camera, lol.

Nan said...

Thanks to both of you! I have not been able to blog (or blog-visit) much lately because of our trip just taken and one coming up. Summers are like that. Blogging is a winter sport... ha ha :-)

harmonyinline said...

What marvelously expressive gulls, you've captured some great moments.

Kristen said...

I check this sight often-- just to see what you are up to, what has struck your fancy lately. I am always pleasantly surprised at what I find. It is a highlight of my day! :-)

Those gulls are hilarious-- I would have been crackin' up!

Nan said...

Hey Kris... I'm glad you enjoy the site. These gulls were very entertaining and we got a big kick out of them, for sure. Thanks for commenting!

Nan said...

Harmonyinline...thanks! I have just been to your blog :-)

Glenn said...

It was a domestic squabble...

Endment said...

Couldn't you write a dozen or so scenarios from these poses... Great Shots!

Nan said...

Glenn, you were there, so you probably heard the conversation :-)

Endment...yes, captions would be so fun to write for these two show-gulls.