Friday, December 28, 2012

Craigdarroch Castle

One of the things we enjoyed this trip was a visit to the Craigdarroch Castle which is a nice (?), long, uphill walk out of town on Fort Street--the touristy pamphlet described this as a "leisurely" walk. Once you reach the castle, you have the opportunity to tour it--which means climbing 87 stairs all together by the time you get to the tower. Was it worth it? Totally. The castle is well maintained with much to see on every floor, not to mention a fabulous story to go with. There is even a charming gift shop at the end of the tour where we bought a souvenir Christmas ornament. Here is a brief description from Craigdarroch Castle website:

"Craigdarroch was built between 1887-1890 for Robert Dunsmuir, a Scottish immigrant who made his fortune from Vancouver Island coal. This legendary Victorian mansion, built on a hill overlooking the City of Victoria announced to the world that Robert Dunsmuir was the richest and most important man in Western Canada.

He died in 1889 leaving his entire estate to his wife Joan who lived in the Castle until her death in 1908. The immense fortune of the Dunsmuir family is reflected in the four floors of exquisite stained glass windows, intricate woodwork and fabulous Victorian era Furnishings.

Once you’ve entered the circular room at the main entrance and paid your admission fee, your self guided tour begins. You will be treated to 39 rooms, most of which are furnished lavishly in the 1890s-1900s period, so enjoy the ambiance as you climb the 87 stairs to the tower. There you’ll see fabulous views of Victoria, the Strait of Juan de Fuca, and the Olympic Mountains."

1 comment:

glennled said...

This castle is worth the cost, time, and effort! The family was pretty dysfunctional, and it wasn't very long before the fabulous fortune was gone. The castle then functioned as a school and hospital before being restored to its original purpose and beauty, operated by a non-profit organization.