Saturday, March 15, 2008

A Wintery Mt. Washington in 2008

Winter 2008 on Hood Canal. We've been visiting the same spot on Hood Canal several times a year since 1999 and the color and beauty of each season never fails to delight. The first shot is looking north toward Mt. Washington in the Olympic Range and the second a close-up of the "main event."

1 comment:

Donna Hacker said...

What a pleasure it was to meet you and Glenn when you were the featured artist last month at the Cameo Boutique in Union! I love your photos! It was so much fun visiting with you. Wish we had had more time to chat.
I am adding your blog link on my blog. Come back and visit me when you get a chance. We, too, fell in love with Hood Canal, and look forward to going there again. Wish it wasn't so far from Kentucky! Take care!