Wednesday, February 1, 2006

Winter Moon


Caroline said...

Love those rings around the moon!

Glenn said...

You musta just missed the woman with the broom!

Nan said...

Caroline... the moon was much fuzzier until I tried a filter (can't remember which one) in MS Digital Image and voila! The rings appeared.

Glenn...or the sleigh and reindeer? Hmmm... gives me ideas.

andrea said...

I agree with Caroline -- the rings are fantastic.

Nan said...

Thanks, Andrea! I like it so well I'm thinking of using it as my profile photo (I'm tired of the hydrangea!), so you may have to get used to a new me :-)

Nan said...

I did it... here I am with my new profile image. (Let's see if it works.)

Ames said...

All these pics are soooo awesome. I would love to come out to hood canal someday and see some of this magic that you capture with your camera. (with or without your new imaging program) All the pics are so beautiful.

My favorite is the moon. My next favorite is the bridge. Reminds me of Anne of Green Gables. So much scope for the imagination. I would like have that one in a frame.

Ames said...

I think I am going to change my mind, the more I look at the picture of the bridge, I find myself entering a different world. This one is definitely my favorite. The moon is a close second however. :)

Nan said...

What awesome feedback! Thanks, Ames. So, we'll get the bridge framed. Maybe for your birthday? Maybe we'll have a family bbq next time we are at the cabin. We are going again in June.

Ames said...

I am all for that. How fun!