Aspen Grove at Theler Wetlands in Belfair, Washington.
Rocky Shore shining through the shallow waters of Hood Canal.
Ubiquitous Crow.
Early Morning Visitor. I heard the crunch and crackle of oyster shells underneath the feet of this young deer before I saw him. He didn't seem to be bothered at all by the old lady on the deck above him scrambling for her camera and snapping pics to beat the band. He walked right under the deck, emerging on the other side with scarcely a glance.
Star Light, Star Bright
I was searching through blogs and came aross this one. Sweet. Is anyone trying to locate a charter boat or a fishing guide in. If so here's a webpage you might be interested in.
anchors away
sailfish fishing
I'm simply enchanted by your photography. I followed a comment you left (somewhere?) about loving crows and even talking to them (as I do), then searched your blog for crow. I've written a few blogs about crows that might interest you, too.
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